Resource Shout Out: Spark Action

Friday, 31 August @ 1:24 PM

Spark Action is a great organization that advocates to the national community for children and youth.  The organization’s mission has four main components:

  • Connect interested adults and younger citizens, regardless of knowledge on youth issues, to stories, context, accurate information, and tools for action; this encourages increased involvement and engagement so that connected individuals may volunteer in the community or advocate for improved organizations and policies.
  • Assist youngster-focused organizations reach a broader audience of the public, professional peers, and policy makers.
  • Project the voices, perspectives, and experiences of today’s youth into the professional realm.
  • Break down the silos between organizations and work to create a more unified community of advocates for child issues.
Spark Action recently hosted a Spark Opportunity Challenge, where teenagers and young adults were able to submit proposals and ideas for community enhancements for strengthening the workforce support system for young workers and visionaries.  The winners were selected by peer votes and provided with start-up grants for actualization of their visions.
What a great way to improve communities all over the country!

To view the winners, please click here.

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Thanks for reading, and have a safe Labor Day Weekend!

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