Resource Shout Out: Catchafire

Friday, 9 November @ 4:38 PM
Catchafire has strong appeal to skilled professionals looking to volunteer their time or expertise to a cause and to organizations promoting social good that need the strength of volunteers’ technical skills.  Catchafire has successfully established a strong community base of individuals and organizations that connect with each other to create solutions and may ultimately revolutionize the sector for public good.
Viewers of the organization’s  home page can easily and quickly move to portions of the site that best address their needs: individuals can view lists of projects and refine searches to target their particular area of expertise; organizations can search need categories such as accounting or technology and can post their projects to the site.
Helpful and interesting details are incorporated.  The number of hours for each project is listed.  Monetary savings resulting from donated time is also listed.  The current featured professional identified on Catchafire’s home page, a market analyst, has produced a positive impact valued at $8,000.  We are impressed!
Already well-known as a valuable resource, Catchafire has received acclaim from a variety of reputable media sources.  If you are an organization looking for some pro bono expertise or an individual looking to give back to the social sector, don’t miss Catchafire.  It’s a wealth of opportunities.

To read more about this organization, add it to your Philanthropegie favorites, or provide testimonials, click here.

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