No Inhibition in your Giving

Saturday, 1 September @ 2:15 PM

The topic of this blog is about integrated giving.   Giving comes in all forms.  We can give of our time, our talent and from our treasures.

No Inhibition

Click Here to Order

Today, a dear friend of mine got to the end of a very long journey and launched her very first CD.  The title of that CD is No Inhibition.

It is a gift from all three categories.

Gabrielle Helene is a new recording artist, but is definitely not a new musician.

She has been one of the many in our country that has been hit hard by the economic crisis, experiencing layoff due to a company shutdown and then under-employment and last fall a subsequent layoff.  Since then she has been working hard to start her own marketing company.

What I didn’t mention is that in 2010 she also faced multiple surgeries from an incurable/untreatable form of ovarian cancer.

Fortunately, our God doesn’t know the word incurable and since being diagnosed over two years ago, she has been living in faith that she is completely healed.

While Helene is much too humble to talk about her faith or her gift of songwriting, you will hear it on this amazing instrumental collection of her own songs. 

“I want to live my life in a meaningful way and I want to make a difference!”

Helene not only wrote the songs, but she designed the cover of her CD (which I LOVE), built the website to promote it, performed all of the songs (including the accompaniment and effects, which she learned on her keyboard and studio), produced the CD and posted it for sale on Amazon.  Whew!!

Please support Helene by purchasing her CD today.  Just click the image of the CD above or click HERE.

And if you need any marketing support of any kind, please contact Helene at Rain & Company, her marketing firm.

Thanks and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and don’t forget to remove the inhibitions from your giving.

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