Category: Leveraging Resources

Do videos make a difference?

Wednesday, 10 October @ 8:23 PM

Can videos make a difference?  I sure hope so. We just launched our first video – an introductory piece to help people understand just what Philanthropegie is and does. Producing a video is an interesting exercise.  There are quite a few important choices to make. How long?  We targeted 90 seconds – long enough to […]

Are we asking the right question?

Monday, 15 October @ 10:31 AM

I love the dialogue that follows an introduction to Philanthropegie – mostly because it gives me a chance to highlight some of the amazing things people are doing to support philanthropic efforts. Quite often these conversations also include questions like: “What led you to do this?” “Who built the site for you?” “What’s your business […]

Resource Shout Out: Catchafire

Friday, 9 November @ 4:38 PM

Catchafire has strong appeal to skilled professionals looking to volunteer their time or expertise to a cause and to organizations promoting social good that need the strength of volunteers’ technical skills.  Catchafire has successfully established a strong community base of individuals and organizations that connect with each other to create solutions and may ultimately revolutionize the […]

Why struggling is good.

Monday, 12 November @ 7:11 AM

I heard a great message yesterday about the importance of setting the right “ideal” to pursue and then embracing the tension that we often feel as we try to achieve it.  This was a message I had no problem relating to. Earlier this year I set a goal of posting on our blog at least […]

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