How Community Leaders Can Keep Learning at Any Age

Whether you’re a religious leader, a coach, a teacher, or simply a concerned citizen involved with local political efforts, you know that other people in your community look to you for wisdom and guidance. As a community leader, you can better serve your neighbors by prioritizing lifelong learning. Today, Philanthropegie shares some vital resources to […]

Diversify Your Board

Corporate boards around the world are clamoring for greater diversity.  And while embracing diversity has long been lauded as the right thing to do, new data overwhelmingly shows that diversity is also good, really good, for business. For example, corporate executive teams with more gender diversity performed 21% better than their less diverse peers, according […]

How to Survive a Micro-Managing Board

We see this issue over and over in our practice. Far more common than the hands-off, head in the sand, rubber stamp board, is the micro-managing board. The micro-managing board members show up to their first board meeting and before they have done anything of substance for the organization, they want to revamp the reports, review the nonprofit’s […]

Investing Your Time & Talents

Ric Leutwyler — founder and president, Philanthropegie

I am honored to emcee this year’s Orange Ball – the annual fundraiser for Orchard: Africa. I’ve spent so many years investing my time and talents to create thriving organizations and to improve the bottom line for these organizations.  While these experiences have been rewarding, there is just something special about investing your time and […]

6 Essential Marketing Channels for Nonprofits

Ric Leutwyler — founder and president, Philanthropegie

Shared by Emma from Buzzly Media Marketing in the digital age gets more and more complex every day. There are new platforms to consider, old platforms to throw out, and overall way too many things for one person to think about. If you’re wondering what marketing channels you shouldn’t be ignoring, you’re in the right […]

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