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Meet the Board

Ariel Herr Media Strategist, Hargrove Partnership "Philanthropegie fills that void between ‘I want to do something’ and ‘we need someone to do something’. Connecting those that have needs to those that have want, it serves as a virtual for the non-profit community, which it will surely serve to grow."
Ric Leutwyler founder and president, Philanthropegie "I hope that you find what you’re looking for – because I know that, when you do, someone’s life will be changed for the better."
Mike Montemurro Chief Operating Officer, VacayStay Connect "Philanthropegie is a great place to bring together people and companies looking for ways to 'give back' with non-profit organizations seeking talent and resources."
Cassie Robertson Estimator, DPR Construction
Mary Slaughter Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting, Human Capital "There is joy in sharing your gifts with others. We hope you find that opportunity here."

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