63 days to get a jumpstart on your resolutions.

Monday, 29 October @ 7:48 AM

It is nearly the end of October.  I can’t believe that 2012 is almost over.  And you know what that means.  New Years 2013 is coming.

The good news is that if you get in gear now, you actually have a full two month headstart on your resolutions.  You have to live the next 63 days anyway.  Why not be wiser, calmer, more fit, a better parent/spouse/friend.  You fill in your goal.

On the WISER front, my 12 year old son and I have taken to listening to TED talks in the car. I let him pick the topics, but if you aren’t familiar with TED – Ideas Worth Spreading, there are many on Philanthropy.  Check out Katherine Fulton’s You are the Future of Philanthropy.  At the very least, the talks make the ride back and forth to my son’s new school pass more quickly!

As to getting CALMER, I realize that for me, this one is an issue of prioritization.  I will begin by shedding my days of the things that suck time, but don’t have a return on investment for the time spent  (email comes to mind….).  Seriously I am making a commitment to myself here, before God and everybody, that I am going to find new ways to give of myself, as I believe that giving is truly good for the soul and it will help keep me centered.  Philanthropegie is the perfect place to start to find a way to give.

On the FIT front, I started on a workout program today with my neighbor and am going to read “Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food” by Lysa TerKeurst.  Come to think of it, that one could help on the CALM front as well and I suspect that if I begin satisfying my deepest desires with God instead of food, that I will end up as a better parent, spouse and friend.

I feel better already!

Stay tuned for a better me.  Now, how about you?

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